ConvX 1.0 - ConvX? What's that? ConvX is a general-purpose conversion application for the Psion 3a. - Aren't there loads of those around already? Sure are. But I didn't really like the way any of the ones I looked at worked, so I decided to write my own. Also I wanted to see what programming with OPL was like and this seemed like a useful program to create. - OK, so what can you convert with it? Quite a few things really. Currencies (up to 8, all fully-configurable via the Psion's built-in Data application), Distances, Areas, Volumes, Weights, Temperatures, Speeds and also Bytes. Generally, both Metric and Imperial units are catered for, as well as conversions between the two systems. - Any other features you want to tell us about? There's a scrolling display of the previous conversion calculations you've performed so you can refer back (and which you can switch off if it bugs you), three levels of zoom, on-line help - the usual sort of thing really. - So what is it, Shareware, Freeware, Poke-in-the-eyeware? Freeware. There's no registration fee, no enhanced version you can get if you send me money (although you're welcome to send me some anyway if you like!) and no annoying nag messages popping up all the time (something I personally hate - I understand why programmers do it I suppose, but writing something that deliberately tries to irritate the user seems perverse to me). It won't self- destruct in a month's time. This is the full and complete version of ConvX you have here and you're free to use it as much as you wish. All I ask is that if you do use ConvX (and have internet access), you send me an e-mail to tell me you are using it. I'm not going to bombard you with demands for money or anything; I'm just interested to see how many people do. My e-mail address is : Any comments, suggestions, bug-reports are also welcome. The ConvX archive file may also be freely distributed around as long as all the files contained within it are included. - Well, how do I install it then? ConvX consists of three files. These need to be copied to the following locations on your Psion (you'll need to create a CONVX subdirectory within the APP directory of your internal drive first) : Convx.opa - APP\ (any drive) Convx.dbf - APP\CONVX (internal drive) Convx.pic - APP\CONVX (internal drive) That's it. Just install the Application in the normal way and off you go. The .dbf file, incidentally, is the database containing the currency conversion details. To amend this (it comes with 4 currencies already set up, but obviously you might want different ones, or different exchange rates), just open it from the Data application (press Tab from within the Open File dialog to locate it) and amend away. As the on-line help says, be careful with the hotkey characters you choose - OPL doesn't complain if you nominate ones which are already used elsewhere in the application. Also, note the difference between a hotkey of, say, "c" and "C" - the former means "Psion+C", whilst the latter means "Psion+Shift+C". - Shouldn't there be a legal disclaimer by now? Oh, go on then. You use ConvX entirely at your own risk. No guarantees as to its accuracy are offered. If something goes wrong and it starts telling you that you can afford to spend a million dollars or something, then it's not my fault. Let the buyer beware ... er, I mean, let the freeware-user beware. Having said all that, I don't think there are any bugs in it (apart from any listed below), so I'd be interested to hear of any you do find. - Bugs? I've noticed that the Psion is unable to tell ConvX to close itself down, eg. when performing a back-up operation. I'm sure there's some frighteningly obvious reason for this, but I don't know what it might be. Enjoy! Simon Kewin.